Saturday, October 22, 2011

Klippers Tame The Hounds On Parents Night At The WCEC

With all the players parents in attendance, the Klippers squad came together and played for the most part a complete sixty minute game that lead to a 6-2 victory over the Hounds.

Your post game report is brought to you by....

Maybe the parents need to come to every game? We will see how the players fair tonight with the rents once again in attendance. One things forsure is we seen a strong looking Klipper squad last night that may be a sign of things to come. Kindersley has been putting together decent games up until last night, but for the most part had failed to generate positive results. I know their has been alot of negative comments on the blog of late, but all along I've been saying give it a bit more time because the talent is certainly here. For the fans that were at last nights game you cant tell me you don't feel a good looking squad is under those blue and green jerseys.  All the parents and fans in attendance seen a good looking squad that Rockie Zinger has assembled, now it's up to the team to move forward and get a consistent effort game in and game out.

Before we get to a few game notes, it was great to get to chat with a few of the parents this morning at the pancake breakfast and I am sure I will get to meet a few more of you tonight at the game. If you are looking to hear a few good stories and a couple of laughs be sure to introduce yourself to Ken Wasden, the father of Taylor, he will defiantly keep you entertained.

Lets talk about how the 2 points happened last night for Kindersley. I am going to do this a bit different today with random notes.

- Fraser Abdallah got the start last night and he really sparked the Klippers with some big saves in the opening frame. Kindersley was on the penalty kill for 8 of the 20 minutes in the first frame and were out shot but Abdallah stood his ground, and the Klippers capitalized on their chances to take a 2-0 lead after 20.

- You have to give alot of props to the young line last night for Kindersley. Austin McDonald got things started for Kindersley. This guy is certainly making the most of his opportunities and has 5 goals on the season in only 8 games played. Colby Daniels who was also on the young line had a break through game offensively. He has been snake bitten to start the season but last night he was sprung out of the penalty box and he made a beautiful move on a breakaway to score his first SJHL goal. I really think getting that goal will be big for the youngsters confidence moving forward.

- Kindersley had a bit of a scare in the first period when D Jay McGrath was rammed into the boards in his own end. It was partially from behind and McGrath was very slow to get up. He came out for one shift after the hit but didn't play the rest of the game after that. No word yet on how long McGrath may be out, but he will miss tonights game.

- David Haaf was a beast last night for Kindersley. Its been somewhat of a slow start to his sophomore season. He had high expectations placed upon him with his strong play as a rookie last year, and I think last night we seen Haaf take a huge step forward. He was all over the ice, picking up 4 points from the back end and scoring twice for his 1st ever multi goal game.

- Taylor Duzan made his return to the lineup last night and boy was it good to see him back on the ice. Duzans presence on the penalty kill was certainly felt, and for missing 7 games it didn't look like he missed a beat. He is a spark plug, and when he goes out for a shift he sets the tone for the rest of the team, and we seen that last night.

- Taylor Wasdens knuckles have gotta be sore this morning. In the second period he went at it with Logan Saworski and took it to him. It was one of the more lopsided fights I have ever seen in the SJHL. Me and Chris Forsman watched the tape in the room after the game and we counted 16 punches thrown by Wasden.

- In terms of the Hounds, I honestly expected more. I don't no if it was a bad game on their part, but they didn't look very sharp last night.

- Tonight Kindersely hosts the Nipawin Hawks who are currently the #1 ranked team in the SJHL. Coming off a loss out in Battlefords last night, I expect them to be hungry for a split on the road set.

- I have interviews with David Haaf, Fraser Abdallah, Colby Daniels and Rockie Zinger to get up here shortly so check back.

- For all the parents in town this weekend, enjoy your stay and lets have some fun tonight after the game back at the Legion Hall!!

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