Thursday, October 6, 2011

Humboldts Offense Comes Alive To Hand Kindersley 4th Straight Lose

Kindersley 2

Humboldt 7

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The young Klippers squad was no match for the Royal Bank Cup hosting Humboldt Broncos last night. The first period however was a bright spot for Kindersley. They controlled most of the play, were skating hard, opening up the scoring and drawing a couple powerplays in the opening frame. It was tied up at one goal a piece after twenty, Wheaton King with his first for the Klippers and Andrew Herle responded with the equalizer. KIndersley generated 2 powerplays in the first period but had nothing to show for it. Humboldt really didn't allow Kindersley to get any sustained offensive zone pressure on the powerplay and the first period ended knotted at 1.

In the second period Humboldt came out like gangbusters. It really didn't look like the same team we seen in the 1st period, they looked like a force to be reckoned with. Their breakout was perfect, their defense was moving the puck up the half wall or on the reverse so quickly that it rarely allowed Kindersley to get any forchecking pressure. On the offensive attack they have 4 lines that can score and as a defensive unit you need to be aware of where those players are on the ice at all times. This wasn't the case for the Klipper defense as they were leaving Broncos wide open in front which resulted in a number of goals. The Broncos would score 4 in the period to lead 5-1 after forty. The line of Ciolfi, Johnson and Johnston was uncontainable as they combined for 10 points on the night. The line is so dangerous on the rush, and Kindersley had no answer for this trio. That wasn't the only line that was buzzing for the Broncos as they truly are 4 lines deep, with 6 very solid SJHL defenseman.

The third period seen Fraser Aballah take the pipes for Kindersley. In terms of McDonald he certainly wasn't to blame for all 5 of the Broncos goals, but I do think McDonald needed to be a bit sharper to keep the game closer. The Broncos scored a quick one in the third which put to rest any sort of Kindersley third period come back as they skated to a 7-2 victory. I know so far this season the Broncos have struggled to find chemistry but that didn't show last night. The Broncos are a very good hockey team and I have no doubts after seeing them play that they will be a legit threat to win the Royal Bank Cup this year.

A few notes from late in the third period, a couple fights broke out in the final minute of the hockey game, which could result in a suspension or 2. Coldy Daniels made a big hit along the half boards in his own end, which resulted in Hudema going after him. Daniels wasnt exactly ready for the fight off the start but he didnt back down and did a good job holding his own against the much bigger Hudema. Meanwhile in front of the Klippers net, Tanner Kissick got into with Joey Davies. This was a big tilt with both guys landing a few big bombs. Kissick landed a huge right to end the fight sending Davies to the ice. This was Kissicks second fight of the game which will result in a suspension. The fact that it was a second fight in the same stoppage might also lead to a lengthier suspension. We will have to wait for the official word but losing Kissick for a couple of games will be a tough loss for Kindersley.

Kindersley was shorthanded last night with only 11 forwards dressed, rotating 3 centers. They did dress 7 dmen as Letourneau returned from his injury. The upcoming break should serve as a positive for the Klippers moving forward. They aren't in action until Tuesday and this will allow their 3 injured players a chance to recover and likely return to the lineup following the Thanksgiving weekend. In terms of Thanksgiving I am actually heading home today and wont be back in Kindersley until Monday. Had a few extra holidays I needed to use before the year was up, so their will likely be limited activity on the blog over the next couple of days. I may or may not have a post or two over the next few days but we shall see what happens. Hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving day long weekend!


  1. Trade away your best goalie=another loss go figure. What is Rocky thinking. Kissick 2 fights in one game WHY the score is 7-2,the last thing the team needs are more guy's watching from the stands.Wake up Rocky time to be a real coach.

  2. what if he didnt want to play here, i think it was the best move so far seeing as patrick would have most likely wound up in the whl next year so instead of trading abdallah who has a amazing work ethic and has done everything the organization has asked of him, they got rid of a cancer in the dressing room for something now istead of nothing next year, and how was he our best goalie he allowed 2 goals on 21-22 shots i would take mac or abdallah over johson anyday. rockie is building a team that will mold together to be a contender real fans kindersley has.

  3. Since when did you become the goaltender consultant. Johnson was good, not great, or he'd still be in the WHL. What happens if a team in the dub wanted him as a backup and he bolts on the Klippers? The team had to make the move that protected them as much as it possibly could and they did. As far as the Kissick fight late in the game, how do we know he didn't get suckered or jumped? I hardly think he asked the guy to go off the faceoff, he's a smart kid.

    Do us all a favor and find another team to watch. That way we won't have to read your idiotic comments. The Red Lions are starting up soon, you can then carve up Larry Wintoneak too if they stumble out of the gate.

  4. Who scored our 2nd goal?
