Sunday, December 19, 2010

Klippers Score Five For Fifth Straight Win

Final Score - Klippers 5 - Bombers 1

Their is no question about it, the Klippers are playing their best hockey of the season at this point in time.

They really played a complete hockey game tonight. The really impressive thing about this team right now is that they are showing they can adjust to what ever style of game that is being thrown at them. In Battlefords it was a run and gun style that the Klippers won , against Notre Dame it was more of a defensive style of game that the Klippers won , and tonight it was a game that didn't have really any flow due to penalties until the third period , but the Klippers managed to adjust to the game play and won their fifth straight.

The first two frames were filled with non stop penalties for both sides. Calling the game I kept thinking , wow that was a huge kill , the momentum is really going to turn in ones favor. That was not the case as it was just penalty after penalty for both teams. It was kind of a weird game through forty minutes that seen both powerplays snake bitten.  The Klippers for the most part controlled the game through forty minutes but their third period which has been their best all season was simply great. It started with a great shift from Kissick , Down and Wasden to end the second and also right off the hop in the third period from that trio. They really created a ton of energy.

P.J Musico was good again for the Bombers but the Klippers were able to get constant traffic to the front of the net. The Klippers were tipping everything tonight and that's exactly what they needed to do to beat Musico. He has been peppered with shots all season long ( the most saves in the SJHL ) and if he sees the puck hes likely going to save it. Well the Klippers made sure tonight that he wasn't going to and executed very well.

On the other end for the Klippers, Sean Cahill was money. The guy has really gotten comfortable in the pipes for the Klippers and although he was not been tested a whole lot he made some ridiculous saves tonight. The one thing that you will get from Cahill for the most part everynight is he never really lets in a soft goal that will deflate your team. That is something the Klippers lacked until Cahill arrived.

A few players that I thought were great tonight were Riley Down , Sean Flanagan , and Sanfred King.

Riley Down - Looks like a totally different player of late. He seems to have a ton of confidence. He is carrying the puck more , taking it hard to the net , and of course add that to his crash and bang style and you have a very effective player. I think its only a matter of time before Downer gets that first goal of the season.

Sanfred King - This guy is starting to play like he was at the start of the season , hes carrying the puck alot more , hes showing those great hands of his every night and something I have noticed more and more of late is he is starting to take the puck wide to the net more which is creating a ton of chances.

Sean Flanagan - I was shocked that he wasn't given a star tonight. On the webcast broadcast I gave him first star of the game and I know a few people in the booth agreed with me. This kid is seriously getting better every game and tonight he was awesome. He is just seeing the ice so well and moving the puck so good lately. That pass to Dommett tonight on his goal was something else.

Overall their is a ton of other players I could mention that played great tonight as I thought it was a great team effort but those are three of the players who have really been great of late and tonight.

Tomorrow night will be interesting to see if we see any line changes. You know the top three forward lines are going to be the same but the fourth line will be interesting. I know Rockie would love to get Gerwing , and Ryan Elliot into the lineup again before Christmas but the way that line of Wasden, Kissick and Down played tonight I don't think you can make any changes. We will just have to wait and see.

One thing forsure is their is a ton of positivies moving forward into the new year for this hockey team.

Post Game : Myself and Josh with Rockie

Rockie Zinger

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