Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More To The Larry Axing

Ok well this is what I can somewhat confirm and add to the situation. I have talked to multiple sources on this and it sounds like a handful of players were ready to quit the team if action wasn't taken. Not the entire team but enough for the Klippers to not be able to ice a full roster and would clearly be detrimental to the season. It appears that it had gotten to the point where the move needed to be made by the Klippers board as the majority of the team was not happy. I have heard more rumors that their may be more to this , and more rumors on why alot of players were ready to quit but nothing I feel comfortable confirming at this point.
On Larry it does not sound like I will be able to get an interview with him at this point. I think it would be key to get his opinion.
Well despite all this, I am sure more will come out shortly , but the team has a big game to focus on today and tomorrow. Alot of the guys appear to have gotten their wish , but as Braeden Adamyk said best yesterday , "their is no more excuses moving forward."

Their is imence pressure now on the club to succeed and if they don't the players will look like the bad guys in all of this.

You can catch all the action from Battlefords starting at 7:15 with pregame on Classic Hits Radio or online. Phil Andrews my news partner from Mix 104 will be doing color commentary with me tonight aswell. You may recognize him from some of the web casts.
Online stream...


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