Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Comments Of Late And Klippers Win 5-4

Ok so I didn't want to have to do this but I deleted all the comments on the previous three posts regarding the Larry Wintoneak situation. Alot of the comments being made were beyond ridiculous and to be honest I didn't want any of that crap on my blog. You guys are entitled to your opinion but some of you have gotten away from that, ranting back and forth with each other, calling out players, calling out the parents, calling out Larry and calling out the organization. Sure some agree and some don't agree with the decision but alot of the comments were getting carried away.

Not alot of people know exactly what happened, but it seems like everyone seems to think they do.

If you have a comment please keep it educated and clean. I know their were alot of comments that were educated and made sense but then there was over 100 comments and the majority of them people flaming away so I decided to delete them all.

Onto the game

First it sounded like a few people had problems listening to the online stream and was cutting in and out?

Not sure what the deal with that was but hopefully it was just a one time thing.

Onto the game

Well it took no time for the Stars to get on the board , just as I had finished the starting lineups the stars were already on the board 1-0.

After that the Klippers and Stars traded chances back and forth for the most part of the first frame. Rockie Zinger then made a lineup shuffle and put the lines back to what they were for the most part this season and more importantly reuniting the line of Adamyk  - Calkins - Dommett , who were money the entire game together. They would tie it up in the first on Andrew Dommett's 7th of the season.

In the second period it was once again a run and gun style of game with both teams trading chances all period long. The difference in this frame though was the Stars would capitalize on some of their chances and would take a 3-1 lead. With under 2 minutes left in the third period things were looking pretty for the Stars until the number one line of the Klippers put together a solid rush and Andrew Dommett would barry his second goal of the game with only 1:08 left in the frame. That was the point where things started to somewhat fall apart for the stars as they would take two penalties in the final 41 seconds to set the Klippers up with a lengthy 5 on 3 powerplay heading into the third period.  

In the third the Klippers would waste no time in tieing up the game on a beautiful cross ice pass that saw Johnny Calkins rip home the one timer on the Sanfred King dish.

Ryan Benn for the Klippers would give his club the lead not to long after that on a nice pass from D Jay Mcgrath that just barely made it over to Ryan Benn who walked into a nice wrister.

The Klippers would then not to long after that add another one on Andrew Dommetts hattrick marker to take a 5-3 lead on a beauty play by Johnny Calkins to set up Dommer wide open in front.

Now the crazy stuff ,

The Stars still were right in this hockey game only down by two when they generated a great scoring chance with Blake Tatchell being in all alone , he made the move but couldn't get the shot off. It looked like Jesse Mysiorek the back checker may have gave him a bit of a hook but the referee Al Smith thought it was a good clean play and in my mind I agreed with the call.

Well clearly Ken Pearson did not and was irate. First it was one water bottle thrown onto the ice , then a second water bottle which was bombed from the bench to the far corner in the Klippers end. Then he took out his clipboard and threw it like a frisbee cross ice and he wasn't finished their, next came the hockey sticks , but not just one pile , a second pile aswell. The whole rack of sticks were thrown on the ice. I thought that was all he could throw on the ice but all of a sudden the medical kit was tossed right at center ice , shattering and leaving pills all over the center circle. It looked like the aftermath of a big house party as the ice was littered with all kinds of things. I had never seen something like that live , let alone call it on the radio , it was pretty crazy stuff.

Now sure Ken had some what of a point as the powerplays were clearly in favor of the Klippers but the penalties for the most part were justified. The fact that the Klippers had 10 powerplays and the Stars 2 though was a little unfair but that is the way it goes sometimes in the game of hockey. Ken will likely regret it today , especially seeing as his team was still very much in the game with 4 minutes to go.  

The surprising thing about all of that was the Stars players weren't really fazed, they controlled the next four minutes and would score one , but in the end just didn't have enough to seal the come back.

Overall though this was a great hockey game which had a bit of everything and a ton of back and forth chances. Both goalies played pretty solid, this one could of been 9-8 or 8-7 if the goalies hadn't played as well.

For the Klippers this was a huge come from behind win , and have now won three in a row. The Klippers have not won four games in a row yet this season , and we will see if they can make it 4 tonight in Gull Lake to take on the Notre Dame Hounds. Pre game is 715 , with puck drop at 730. You can catch the game on Classic Hits radio and streaming online.


  1. Could we now focus our attention to your spelling, failure to proof read, and massacre of the english language?

  2. That was an awesome game last night Brenden. I can't wait for tonites I hope there will be a radio feed.

  3. The online feed should be working tonight, I am not sure why it was cutting in and out last night.

  4. My comment still stands, with players like Duzan, Mysiorek, Domment and many others on the ice giving their all every night, that is what I go to see. I will watch them put it all out there and regardless if they win or lose it is fun to watch them battle.

  5. For those of you that didn't catch the game on the webcast you missed a thing of beauty when the Stars coach blew a fuse. Now that was old time hockey, the days of Punch McLean, Pattie Ginnell and the late Pat Burns. All could throw a five star tantrum. You are right Ullsy about him maybe picking a bad time to go off his meds but I'm sure he was trying to get his team going and it just about worked. Even the crowd got into it, the comments you could here sounded like a Klipper game when Paulsen refs.
    When I played in the SJ, around the time that that man started to walk upright, we were playing in Estevan. As we were leaving the ice at the end of the game a fan through a cheeseburger and hit my linemate right in the side of the head. Pretty funny watching him pick relish out of his ear.
    Ken Pearson, I thank you for bringing a little fun and excitement to the game last night. Grateful you didn't start taking your clothes off!

  6. Regarding the removal of all the posts - THANK YOU!

  7. Let's neuter some hounds tonight boys! Wooo!

  8. I think there's a nicer way to tell Brenden that he needs to proofread his work before he publishes it. Why do you think he deleted all those comments in the first place? People aren't being nice to each other.....

  9. Yes its Christmas for crying out loud!

  10. Feel free to criticize my spelling , I by no means am an English major. I sometimes hurry to get the post up, but usually when I get a second chance to re read the post I will edit the mistakes.

  11. Merry Christmas Ullsy!

  12. Ok people lets give the guy a break he works really hard to keep this blog up to date and I think he does a good job. Im sure we can all get past a few spelling errors. No need to be so critical.

  13. Good job Brenden , dont listen to the idiot talking about your spelling . YOU do an excellent job . Thanx for all your hard work , well done .

  14. You have a great blog, but to advance, you'll have to use spell check...but you are great at what you do and dont let anyone tell you different.

  15. What is with all these English majors? Have you read any texts lately? If u cn read txts spllng shoudnt b a concrn. I like ur blog ullsy dnt wry about spelchk. If anyone wants to read some interesting comments, check out Dan O'Connor's blog on Stars webpage. All civility is gone, it's a fun read.

  16. To the guy that is giving Ullsy a hard time, please do us a favour and spend your time on more important things like fixing the hole in the ozone layer!
    Oh.... and Merry Christmas!

  17. As a hockey mom not able to go to all the games, I enjoy your blog. Brenden you do a great job keep up the good work!

  18. I was at the game against BNS. Ken's outburst was only after a few attempts to keep his team in line with so much inconsistency with the ref's calls. By the 3rd period, it was just too ridiculous and he couldn't get the ref to explain himself. Unfortunately, the Stars will have to pay the league a few hundred after the gross misconduct. A big positive for the Klippers - Dommet is back in fine form!

  19. Brenden, great job at your blog, I'm a University grad, and irregardless of your spelling and grammar, I can still understand and appreciate your blog for what it is...a blog! Regarding Larry being let go, I can truly say it's about time. There has been trouble in the locker room for a while, and finally enough of the boys spoke up to ensure the Board listened. I thank goodness for that. When you play Junior Hockey it's supposed to be far from 'fun' as many young men are trying to make this a career. That said, most people enjoy their jobs, which is what the team should be doing - enjoying playing hockey which is their job. As a fan, I noticed that the team wasn't really a team the past two years, and that affected how they performed on the ice and off the ice. You could really see a disconnect on the ice and disrespect for some of the players especially the rookies. There didn't seem to be reciprocal respect of the vets or the rookies. I'm glad for the coaching change, and hope that things only get better for the team. I also hope that a new coach will ensure that the boys become part of the community again by participating in the schools through reading programs (just an example)and doing some volunteer work.

  20. Brendan if you want to advance listen to the people who tell you the truth and not the people who are being nice. this blog will be your resume and will be used as part of your resume. if you want to advance, in today's technology age, you need to appear professional. great stations won't hire someone with 3 spelling mistakes on a page, let alone 30 spelling and grammatical mistakes. trust me and make the improvements. the people who are soothing you, are not doing the hiring. you are young and talented, but the people who are telling you your blog is great are not being honest. be perfect in your grammar and spelling. many talented people fail to advance over details. 5-10 extra minutes to proof things could make the difference of 5-10 thousand extra dollars at your next job. if you don't want to believe me, then don't.

  21. Just to comment on the post about the boys becoming part of the community again. They were part of the community. The problem was that the schools didn't want them in the schools because of issues in the past - saying they would show up and then being late, reputation, etc. Larry had got them back into the schools this year already and he had them involved in other community events as well.
    As for him being let go, regardless of if some people didn't like him as a coach or not, he did do a lot for this team and community over the past five years. I think one of the issues is in the way things were handled - it was dirty and, like someone said previously, very classless. Extremely disappointed in the board and Rod.

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  24. Everyone I have talked to has said that Rockie is a good up and coming coach. The players seem to like him. I'm not cutting down Larry here, but a lot of times change is good. Let's wait until more information comes out until we pass judgment on anyone. I am looking forward to the weekend games, the team has a very good chance to set themselves up nice for the second half.

  25. Dear fan,
    There are many theories about the Kennedy assassination as well so unless you have inside information on this maybe just hold your comments till all the facts come out.
    Very unfair to the people that volunteer their time on the board to be tarred and feathered over this. If you feel that the board has done such a poor job then feel free to step forward the next time a position comes open.
    By the way, has anyone thought to congratulate the players for their current 4 game winning streak? Good job to the entire organization for battling through the cesspool this entire ordeal has become.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. i see the community censorship machine has you by the plums now Ullsy? Taking down posts that bring clarity to the situation. So. let's see...protecting the new coach, the president, the president's partner.....hmmmm. Yah. OWNED like a pack mule. Maybe they can just write things for you and you can give them the password.

  28. The reason I deleted those comments was becasue of the debacle of comments that happened before and I don't want to see it happen again. This blog is on the Klippers website. The truth may come out at some point and we may hear from Larry Wintoneak , but as a team and organization they want to move on and rightfully so. The decision has been made and their is no turning back. Lets focus on the way the team has been playing winning 4 games in a row.

  29. As for the comments on my spelling , totally understandable. My main focus though is to call the games on the radio , the blog is basically just for fun. I understand though that my spelling and grammer may be bad sometimes and I will try to work on it. Thanks for the comments.

  30. To the moron that keeps trying to put down Ullsey , get a life ! YOU must feel real cool cutting up an 20 year old just starting on his career . I hope you let this go in one ear and out the other Ullsey .Its probably Larry or one of his relatives . You are doing an excellent job ! Keep up the great work !

  31. not cutting down. it is called helping.
