Sunday, January 30, 2011

Klippers Celebrate NHL 94 Style With Win Over Estevan

It was a hard fought game and a well deserved win by the Kindersley Klippers. The celebration at the end was probably a bit much by the Klipper players as they rolled onto the ice lifting their sticks above their helmets like they had won the championship NHL 94 style for Sega Genesis. I really don’t think it was that big of a deal though, but it certainly frustrated the Estevan players and fans. The fans were really giving it to Kindersley all game and the Klippers were clearly trying to get under their skins after they had won a very high intensity game. I know a lot of fans might have taken it the wrong way, but I didn’t see a problem with it; the tension that has been created between these two teams will be immense if they meet in the playoffs.

The bad blood between these two teams drew back to Saturday’s game in Kindersley when Tanner Kissick lined up Ty Ariss and then a big fight broke loose with Jelenski and Kissick. The intensity elevated then and carried into last night’s game.

The Klippers came out a bit sloppy in the opening five minutes, and Sean Cahill had to silence the storm with a few big stops early. The Klippers would get their legs back shortly and start to control the play and would score the game’s first goal. Sanfred King and Ryan Elliot would break down on a 2 on 1 rush, King would feather a perfect pass over to Elliot but he was robbed by Danyluk. The puck after would sky rocket into the air and then would drop down loose in the high slot where Sean Flanagan would pounce on the loose puck and slide it home to give the Klippers the lead.

Kindersley would take a two goal lead near the end of the frame when Adamyk chipped one out of the zone to send Calkins and Dommett on a two on one, Calkins would saucer over a pretty pass to Dommett and he made no mistake for his 20th goal of the season.

After that the Klippers had a small blipse in their own end, which would cost them a goal. With 31 seconds left, Flanagan was trying to skate the puck around his net after a Klipper face off win in their own end. He then lost the handle behind the net, which I believe hit the side of the frame as he went to corral it. It came right to Ceci who then walked out and stuffed it in. A tough break for Flanagan, who otherwise had a great game.

In the second the Bruins started to gain momentum from their goal near the end of the frame. The Klippers started getting into a bit of penalty trouble, and the Bruins would make them pay when Smith would score to tie the game at 2 at the 14:51 mark.

The Klippers hadn't had a whole lot of power plays in the game but they would get their chance in the third period early and would capitalize. The number one unit worked the pp to perfection and set up Calkins in the right side slot to score his 22nd of the year. It was a great dish by Kurt Leedahl to set up Calkins. After that the Klippers got the momentum back and looked pretty impressive for a team that had played three games in three nights.

Braeden Adamyk would also barry his team leading 35th of the season on a rocket when he stretched down the right wing side on a nice feed from Dommett.

The Bruins would get a powerplay late and pull the goaltender but the Klippers would hang on to a 4-2 win to close off the two team’s season series.

Kindersley was without the services of some key players, Wheaton King, D Jay McGrath, Riley Down and Spencer Braaten. King is on a day to day bases, D Jay likely out until playoffs and Down is day to day also. In terms of Braaten some good news as he could return to the lineup as early as Friday at home.

The game was high spirited, physical, chippy and had a few tilts to boot. Hoffman and Findlay squared off in a fairly even tilt between the lightweights. There was also a heavyweight bout which featured Mysiorek and Stubel. I have to say I was very impressed with Mysiorek, Stubel is much taller but Mysiorek really got the better of him. I don’t think any punches were landed on Mysis face but the same couldn’t be said for Stubel who needed attention from the ice pack.

Overall the hatred boiled near the end, the fans were really giving it to Kindersley and the Klippers gave it right back when they came out and celebrated the victory. There were even a few words exchanged by the coaches after the game. Is it time for playoff hockey yet.....

Captain Andrew Dommett talks about his teams win last night...

Andrew Dommett


  1. Not surprising that the cocky Klippers strike again. Someone will knock that team down a peg or two somewhere along the line.

    - Brad M.

  2. Easy big fella, easy. Take a deep breath and all will be well in your world. Are the Kamloops Blazers cocky as well then? No,just trying to enjoy the game the way it should be enjoyed.

  3. Its things like that, that give a team a bad name... Why would you roll on the ice and lift your sticks??? Thats a bunch of players being hot dogs on the ice... If I was the coach each one of the players that did that would be benched..... It sounds like the coach has no control on the players and that the players run the team...

  4. Brad M, stop whinning. Your blog post on the Klippers vs Weyburn game was a complete joke and 100 % biased.

    and exactly the Kamloops Blazers do it also.

  5. You know why fans and the media love Alex Ovechkin, because he plays hard but he also still realizes that hockey is supposed to be fun! He wipes out during the skills competition and he starts swimming on the ice! What's wrong with having some innocent fun, despite age!

  6. To Anonymous:

    My blog is a Weyburn Red Wings blog. It is going to be biased. The fact that Mr. Ullrich and I have an opposite take on what happened shows that we are both biased towards our teams. I am not saying I am not biased.

    I am not the only one talking about the way your team behaves. People in Estevan, Melville, and North Battleford to name a few have all made the same type of comments.

    I believe you guys have a good team and have a legitimate shot of winning the league, much more than the team I cover, but I don't like the way your boys present themselves. Anyways I am moving on from this issue. I would not mind a playoff matchup between the two teams. It would be intense.

    - Brad M.

  7. Well I had alot of laughs when I checked out the Kamloops web site on the celebration-over 70,000 hits. EA 94 stick men are funny now but back then that was a big league game for us---have fun fellas keep winning. GO KLIPS.

  8. i think it would be intense too, i have a been a klipper fan for along time and not since 04 have we been able to have a team this skilled and this willing to win, and to bring to everyones attention, when the klippers were struggling and were sub .500, who else's fault would it be then the coaches, larry is a good coach, but doesnt know how to coach skill and thats why they should of hired Weisgerber because he was a skilled guy himself and i know from speaking with the players that all of them had a huge amount of respect for him. So from the klippers beating Weyburn friday i understand your frustrated brad (penalty box guy), but i think you missed when VOGEL JUMPED gerwing, the rookie is out there just so zinger can give him some ice, and from listening it doesnt seem like vogel sent any message. And to sonntag defence appleyard came out of the scrum swinging and happened to come upon sonntag, what else is the kid supposed to to besides defend himself and it so happened he ran appleyards show and made him turtle on the ice. Its like the kulemin situation you can just start punching someone and not expect to get hit back, granted applyard probably didnt know it was sonntag but what else was sonntag supposed to do

  9. Mr. Weyburn, what would your opinion be if the roles were reversed? And don't tell us your team would be totally above that cause that won't fly!
    Sounds like you had a busy weekend doing your phone poll as to who doesn't like those dastardly characters from Kindersley.
    Hilarious how people can get so worked up about something so trivial. I bet you're frustrated by the Cadbury secret as well. Hang in there tiger!
