Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yorkton Sweeps Kindersley As Klippers Year Comes To An End

In terms of last night's game I give the Kindersley Klippers a ton of credit, they played their hearts out after getting blown out in three straight contests. They could of folded but the team showed alot of character and deserved a better fate in that hockey game. Last night was one of the better hockey games I have seen, with both teams going toe to toe, it was a glimpse at what many expected this series could have been. In the end the Klippers with desperation at its all time high managed to sustain some pressure down low and Sandred King ended up ringing one off the bar. I couldn't believe it, what a tough way to end the series. Andrew Dommett described the post as, '' one of the worst sounds he has ever heard in his life time."

As tough as it was to see the Klippers go down like that, I am glad we seen them go down playing at a high level. The Klippers had evaporated for the first three games of the series, and the question of what exactly happened will not truly have a definite answer. One thing though that is forsure the week off before the series certainly didn't do the Klippers any favors.

You have to hand it to the Terriers though, they truly are an impressive bunch and have won eight straight games in the playoffs. After seeing them play they way they did in this series I don't think anyone is stopping them. I wish them the best of luck in the finals, they are a class act organization and I have a ton of respect for the entire staff and players.

Back to the Klippers, I can't imagine how the players are feeling this morning. I woke up and was in shock, disbelief and sad that the year was over. Can't even imagine what the players are going through right now especially the twenty year olds. A few of them have been hear since the start of there SJHL career's and its to bad they don't have a championship to show for it, they had the character, heart and certainly the talent to do it, but sometimes it just doesn't work out.

This team was a very close bunch that loved the town of Kindersley and hearing a few of the vets talk about how hard it is to know its all over almost put a tear into my eyes.

Andrew Dommet, Johnny Calkins, Braeden Adamyk, Sean Cahill, Kurt Leedahl, John Sonntag, Sanfred King, Cody Lund, and Spencer Braaten all played in their final games in the SJHL last night. I want to get more in depth on each player and what they meant to this team in the near future. I hope to get an interview with all 9 of the vets aswell. I have already tagged off 3 of them and I hope the get the other 6 in the next few days. Ones things for sure alot of these players will move on and continue their hockey careers into the college level, you can bank that.

A quick word though on Johnny Calkins, as some o you know he was clearly playing injured in games 3 and game 4. What exactly the injury was wasn't released to the public at the time, but he was playing games 3 and 4 with a separated shoulder. It had popped out on him in the late stages of game one and took an hour to pop back into place after the game. I give Calkins all the credit in the world, he gave it his all in both those hockey games operating at around 50 %. He was throwing checks and busting his ass off out their and I gained a whole lot of respect for him with the character he showed, not that I didnt already have respect for him, he is one hell of a hockey player. He was advised by doctors that he could permanently damage his shoulder if he played but that didn't bother him one bit. Comments from Johnny on how much pain he was in can be heard below...

Johnny Calkins

Some great conversations with these players and Rockie. You can hear how devastated they were in their voices fighting back the tears. Sad to see these vets play their final game as a Klipper...

Braeden Adamyk

Andrew Dommett

Rockie Zinger

Stay tuned for more interviews, and I also want to get to a season preview looking ahead to next season focusing on the players that will be returning.

I want to thank all the players on the team for making me feel like one of the boys. Of course alot of you know I am the same age as alot of the players on this team, so it certainly helped with connecting with the players on the road and off the ice in my first year as a broadcaster and with this team. I got to know all the players pretty well and it was an honor and a privilege to call all the action and also watch them night in and night out. Off the ice they are all great kids, and one the best group of guys you will ever meet. Each parent should be proud of what these guys have accomplished in their SJHL careers and I wish them all the best in their future.

In terms of myself, what a great learning experience my first year of broadcasting has been. I had a ton of fun in the process and if all goes well I will be back next year. Their were some rumors going around that were bogus. I have no idea how they got started, but as of right now I will be back for another season of Klipper hockey and I look forward to it. This is a great organization to be a part of and I hope I can be back for a new year.

I also want to thank all the players parents that have been so kind to me throughout the season as well. You guys are all truly awesome.

Thanks to everyone that continues to check out the blog day in and day out. I can't believe how many views the blog has received over the season. I really appreciate it, and I will continue to keep writing throughout the off season. Thanks for all the support!!!


  1. Brenden, it was great to have you as "The Voice of the Klippers" this year. Not only did you do a great job on the broadcasts we appreciate all the time you spent on your blog as well. As parents and fans it helps us stay in touch with the team.
    We sure hope you'll be back next year!

  2. Best of luck to Yorkton! You guys played a great series!

    Klipper Fan

  3. Poor showing in this series.

  4. To the last poster, you're so grumpy you probably kick your dog too. Based on that brilliant observation it will only be a matter of time before HNIC calls you to be their next playoff analyst.

  5. We also want to thank Brenden and Josh for the great coverage of the Klippers this year. Always looked forward to reading your blogs. Listening many times it seemed like we were right there in the rink! Thank goodness for LiveSport too! Sure helps when we could not always be there. Good luck to both of you as you continue your careers!

  6. Brenden, whats going on with the Kindersley site, it won't pull up anymore online. Any idea?

  7. Like reading the blogs - you and Josh do a great job - will continue to follow next year!

  8. Thanks for all the kind comments guys.

    Jay, I dont no what the deal is with the website.

  9. Brenden, thank for enjoyable season. The interviews and game highlights made it easy to follow this team through the entire season.You and Josh provided a great one two punch. Continued success to you and the Klippers next year.

  10. Some players played with shoulder issues all winter, Joel Kot from Estevan, Rodney Cowie from Weyburn, and I know some of the other teams still in the playoffs have players dealing with shoulder issues. Why is it that all of a sudden there are so many shoulder injuries occuring, just like concussions. Never heard of to many of them years ago.
