Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Taylor Wasden Season Preview Interview

This campaign marks the final year for Taylor Wasden as a Kindersley Klipper. Over the past few seasons he has become a fan favorite. No one on the team brings the same tangibles that Wasden brings to the table. He is tough, scrappy and will do anything for his teammates. On top of that he possesses great leadership tactics both on and off the ice. Wasden who was one half of the bash brothers last season, has found chemistry throughout camp with Ryan Elliot and Bradley Buckingham. That trio will be a line come opening night. As you will hear in this interview, Wasden is determined and ready to take on a big leadership role with the club this upcoming season...

Taylor Wasden Seanson Preview Interview by Ullsy


  1. Who is the Whl kids returning or is that just pure speculation get facts straight before starting rumors!!!!!!

  2. To the last comment, I didn't see any names thrown around. At this time of year there is lot's of speculation as teams get down to their final rosters and it might mean certain players get sent back, released etc. If you spend any time around a rink you are certain to hear the rail birds talking hockey. Take a pill already.

  3. Well it wasnt from the rail birds at the rink it was on this blog so lets make sure facts are straight as thats why people talk is when people have no clue whats going on just like to start rumours Thamk You very much....

  4. Thank you Scotty Bowman. Sorry your day got off to such a rough start!

  5. haha not sure who is getting worked up about my comment on the WHL players.

    All I said was...

    I have heard some speculation that the Klippers may be getting a few players back from the WHL this week. At the time it is just speculation so we will leave it at that.


    In your comment you even said are these rumors or is it just PURE SPECULATION? if you read what I said you could have answered your own question.

    I didnt mention names or say that it was fact so not sure what the fuss is about. And I even mentioned sometime this week, still a few more days until the week is over so we will see what happens.


  6. Well just let the names out Wheaton King from the tiger and boshovich from tri city

  7. wow sowhen do they arrive and start playing

  8. Excellent interview. No wonder Wassy's become a fan favorite the way he adds some humor to this. The players are drawn to him because he battled back from an ACL tear, and appendectomy this summer and he also battles a daily health issue all with a smile on his face. This kid is a beauty.
