Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sherwoods Best To Square Off Tonight At The WCEC, Flanny Grabs Weekly Award

Before we get to the the game preview, a few things to catch up on.

I apologize for no game review after the Estevan lose on Saturday, I really haven't been feeling well the last couple of days. But one thing I will add is the electricity that was shown by the Kindersley crowd on Saturday night was very impressive. It wasn't the largest crowd, but the crowd was bumping, and the fans were right into the hockey game. You can tell the town is geared up for some playoff hockey.

Nonetheless a few news and notes. Kindersley native and Klipper defensemen Sean Flanagan has been awarded this weeks SJHL blue liner of the week. Congrats to Sean who has been working day in and day out out to improve his game. It's hard to believe at times that this kid is only 18.

Here's the SJHL writeup on him....

Sean Flanagan (Kindersley Klippers) - The 1992 Kindersley born blueliner is a player that scouts are watching. Flanagan seems to be able to do what he wants on the ice with ease and he was doing that this week. Flanagan’s play helped Kindersley win two of three games and keep the heat on first place Yorkton in the Sherwood.

Also in terms of the power rankings, the Klippers sit in third place behind Melfort and La Ronge, can't argue with that.

In terms of tonight all signs are pointing to a great game at the WCEC. Both teams have bulked up for a playoff run and both want to finish first place in the Sherwood division. 4 points is all that seperates thest two hockey clubs. Both of these teams have been pretty much unbeatable at home this season, sporting the two best home records in the SJHL. Both know how big of an advantage that home ice can be come playoff time, I expect tonights game to be a playoff like atmosphere.

In terms of both teams previous two contests, the Klippers are coming off a tough 4-2 loss on Saturday on the hands of the Estevan Bruins, where as the Terriers are coming off a 9-1 dismantling of the Notre Dame Hounds Sunday night.

In terms of both teams last little span, the Klippers are the much hotter team going 7-3 in their past 10. The Terries have surprisingly struggled in the new year and are 3-5-1-1 in their past ten.

But one thing that appears to be going for them are their two big guns Jeremy Boyer and Justin Buzzeo, who combined for 9 points in the teams last contest.

These two made their debut against the Klippers on January 11th in Yorkton and really were buzzing but the Klippers did a great job of limiting them to high quality scoring chances. This was large in part to Kurt Leedahl who took his game to a new level in Yorkton. He has been great all year, but he was oustanding against Yorkton. It will be interesting to see how the two skilled forwards look now having played a few games with Yorkton and are now acustomed to the the teams systems.

I expect the Klippers to be alot more physical tonight. I know Rockie Zinger was not happy with the way his team competed physically against Estevan. Rockie wants everyone banging bodies and I am sure that message has been sent to the players over the past few days off. Yorkton is a skillful bunch so taking the body could be key in terms of shutting them down.

In terms of the Kindersley faithful I hope to see a packed crowd at the WCEC tonight. This is a huge game, the biggest of the season up to this point, and I know for a fact the players get really pumped up when the crowd is full and LOUD!  The players are treating tonight's game like a playoff contest so hopefully the fans do aswell.

If you can't make it out to tonight's game though, tune into tonight's web cast which will get going at 7:10 with the pregame show. We have been starting the pregames 5 minutes earlier in order to catch up with Rockie Zinger live before each contest.

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