Saturday, March 5, 2011

Klippers 9-2 Win Overshadowed By Late 3rd Period Antics * Updated *

*I did a bit of tinkering to the post and have updated it with what we know up to this point*

Well where to start..... Kindersley played a dominate game tonight, but in the end all the talk is over what happened in the final few minutes.

I will start with the hit from TJ Wees on Jesse Mysiorek. I think TJ is a great hockey player, but clearly frustration got the better of him. His team was trailing 9-2 late in the third killing off a penalty. Jesse Mysiorek was in the corner waiting for the puck as it swung around the perimiter in a vulnerable position when Wees proceeded to charge from the front of the crease towards the corner and would plaster Jesse Mysiorek into the boards from behind.  He seen numbers the entire way through and didn’t hesitate to stop, he even left his feet. It was one of the dirtier hits I have seen in hockey. As for Jesse he was taken to hospital following the hit. I had a quick conversation with him via text, and he appears to be ok but may miss some time. We will know more shortly but good to see that Jesse is not seriously hurt from the hit.

After the hit all hell broke loose on the team’s benches, with sticks being wacked back and forth. I was very impressed with the way the Klippers players handled themselves during that incident. Wasden and Down were in the middle of it but if you watch the tape you see that the only stick whacking they were doing was trying to knock down sticks from hitting them. Wasden ends up taking one in the face, and Down ends up pulling Wasden back from the scrum. Overall at this point the Klippers players look like the only thing on their mind is winning and I give them a ton of props for the way they handled it. There were also some words being exchanged back and forth from the Klippers fans with the Weyburn bench which would spur an incident with Weyburn coach Dwight McMillan. The RCMP would get involved having some words with the Weyburn coach. Things are a bit up in the air at this point as to what exactly happened but Dwight did leave on the bus with the team. It happened under the stands in the dressing room area and being up in the broadcast booth calling the game I couldn't see what exactly happened. I have heard that it was Klippers volunteer Kim Leonard who was struck at by Dwight, but I didn’t see it happen so I won't speculate further. If you want to see what started the incident check out the Klippers webcast in the archived video section.

As for the game the Klippers played some great hockey tonight. Their offense looked deadly from all cylinders and leading the way was their captain Andrew Dommett. Dommer was a beast tonight not only scoring goals, but making some big hits also. He was great on the PK and made some big shot blocks. Dommett in the playoffs is a scary thing for opposing teams. His running mates also had very solid games as Johnny Calkins would pick up a four point night and Braeden Adamyk would pick up three. The line would only see about 3 or 4 shifts in the third period, as Rockie Zinger gave his other forwards an opportunity with the lead they had. Rockie may be a rookie coach in the SJHL but in my mind he really understands the game of hockey, he coaches the game with a ton of class.

 The Klippers as a team tonight played an all around great game of playoff style hockey and you have to give credit to every player on the ice. All four lines chipped in offensively and on the back end they were very sound aswell. The play of the Klippers defence has been great through games one and two. They have shut down Drew George and Brock Appleyard who haven’t had a chance to get a whole lot going thus far. That could certainly change when we head back to Weyburn for games 3 and 4. The Klippers though did all you can ask for at home in games 1 and 2 and are sitting pretty right now in this series. It will be interesting to see what kind of suspensions are handed out. We can confirm now that Lucas Ulmer and RIley Down who both received gross misconducts during the game have been suspended for two games. Losing Riley Down is a pretty big loss. Down has been great this series for the Klippers and has drawn a handful of penalties. Andrew Dommett also praises the work of Downer in the interview below. Still waiting for word on any further league discipline.

One thing for sure is that game 3 will be played with a lot of intensity. I will leave it at that for now, here is Rockie Zinger and also Andrew Dommett after the game. Both were not very happy with what transpired in the third period to say the least.......

Rockie Zinger

Andrew Dommett


  1. The Rockie interview is not the correct one,it is one regarding the Braaten trade

  2. haha my bad, thanks for notifying me of that mistake. I have re uploaded the correct one.

  3. Ullsy, no need to apologize, with all the fur flying at the end of the game there it's easy to make a minor mistake.

    I think Weyburn should post on for a head coach because the one they have now doesn't really belong in the game anymore. Sorry coach, time for you to call it a day.

  4. Alot of people have been saying that for years in Wyeburn, but Mac has to many cronies on the board that are scared of him and won't remove him as a coach. It may hurt the team and the communitity in the end.

  5. Scared of him? Are all the board members living in the same nursing home? Come on folks, do the right thing for your team and the fans and tell Mr. Magoo it's time for a change!

    I would like to know if the two officials said anything to McMillan when things started to get out of hand say when it was 6-2 or 7-2. There should have been a very clear warning that if he didn't control his bench there would be consequences? The same message could have been given to the Klipper bench also. The refs need to be accountable as well!

  6. Ya nice code of conduct from the coach out,that check from behind was terrible and in the new NHL that would be 10 games,it was worse than Bertuzy. Mcmillan lost alot of respect when he went after a guy under the stands,I hope the police charge him. You can choke your own players but when you go after and you know what you did DA-WHITE your classless.

  7. what were people doing going down to the bench/dressing room area in the first place what do you expect to happen come on in and have a front row seat?

  8. The person in question is part of the Klippers support staff. Let us know where to send the bill for his broken glasses. And tell me, what gives McMillan the right to lay his hands on anybody in the first place.

  9. I have updated the post a bit, still no word from anyone on the Weyburn brass. Will be interesting when I go ask Dwight for an interview for Tuesdays game.

  10. Brenden,

    Why should Dwight grant you an interview after posting lies in your blog?

  11. Fans in Kindersley seem to feel that paying their admission gives them the right to interact with opposing teams. Why was Kim Leonard down by the Weyburn dressing room in the first place? I think before you start criticizing Weyburn too much you should say something about the fans that spit and throw things at the opposing team.

  12. Kim is the assitant equipment manager for the Klippers team so he has access to be around the dressing room areas, I don't know what or exactly where he was so I cant comment further on that. As for the fans by no means am I condoning those type of actions and I hope if someone had done that they were dealt with. As for what I posted on my blog about Dwight I clearly stated that I hadnt seen what happened and this is what I have heard.

  13. I wonder if this is part of the reason the Cowie boys left the team. It looks like Mac has no respect for anyone especially a challegned individual. Mac you should know better, shame on you. You wouldn't want someone going after your helpers. The Cowie boys are probably laughing and thinking 'I am glad I left that gong show'. Some of the other players are probably thinking they should have left too.

  14. I just hope Tuesday night that both teams are out to play hockey and not to fight.

  15. I agree with the last poster. If anyone really cares, this type of stuff makes the league as a whole look bad and makes it tougher to recruit players, garner sponsorship dollars etc. If you get beat by the better team suck it up and try to improve your own game. The "beat em in the ally ...." BS doesn't fly anymore despite what some coaches think!

  16. FYI The cowies boys quit the team because they thought they were bigger than the team and made some demands that were not acceptable to the red wings. No teams need that sh t example Humbolt moving players to Yorkton. As far as the hit goes it was not good but Klipper players must have thought it was ok, none of them came to his rescue. Its funny that no on this blog has mentioned that Calkiins started the stick swinging by trying to pitchfork a Red Wing player in the face from his side of the glass. The cameras were still focused on the action in the Red Wing end and only caught about 70% of what relly happened. Mr Calkins should own up to his actions . If i was the suspended Klipper player i would be pissed.

  17. I've seen the video on you tube about the incident. What I see on this video, and I've played it several times, is Weyburn players are on their bench while Kindersley players are milling around with sticks raised in front of the Weyburn bench. Now no doubt, Weyburn were swinging their sticks also, but they were on the bench, Klipper players were not. I think both teams behaved badly, and there is no place for stuff like that in junior hockey, but quit trying to pass the Klippers off as defending themselves when they were just as eager combatants, maybe more, as the Red Wings.

  18. The Cowie boys are great people who got tired of being mentally abused by their coach as were 6 other 20 year olds. The difference is that the Cowie boys had the balls to stand up and say enough is enough and that they were tired of the mental abuse. The guys have an exemplary record of being great kids and being team guys. The bottom line is that the Weyburn 20 year olds all BITCHED out when they agreed to support a movement to see the working environment improve. Tanner McCall should be ashamed of himself for the double cross he did on these two warriors and for not having the balls to stand up as a captain and ask for decency for his teammates. McCall thinks nothing of slamming Mac to anyone who will listen but when he had a chance to actually make a difference he bitched out. McCall is a captain because he toes the company line and is a puppet for the staff. If you want to support your coaches Tanner than stop bashing them behind their backs all the time, and stand up and show some balls.

  19. The Sjhl falls down on the job again. It seems you can bury a guys face into the glass, give him concusion and only get a two game suspension. But heaven help you if you gob on another player, that's three game.
    I guess Laurie Ryan and the league really don't care about violence on the ice.
