Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kindersley Multi Use Facility Pics

Have had a few requests from some out of town Klipper fans on how the rink was shaping up. We run updates on the radio station every so often but below are a few pictures. I must say it looks really good so far, every time I drive by I'm surprised at how much progress has been made. Everything is on schedule and the phase one of the multi use facility should be complete around Christmas.


  1. WOW! The new building looks fantastic, it is going to be very impressive when it's all done and something the entire community can be proud of!

    Thanks Ullsy.

  2. the picture of the facility looks awesome on the picture board in front of rink, I sure hope they can keep the SMOKERS from killing the green grass and trees around the facility. Cough Cough
